
Copyright Policy

Authorized use of JRAUTOMATION Trademarks

1. Advertising, Promotional, and Sales Materials:

Only Apple and its authorized resellers and licensees may use the Apple Logo in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. Such authorized parties may use the Apple Logo only as specified in their agreement with Apple and any associated Guidelines and such use must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define the relationship authorized by their contract with Apple. For example:

Authorized Reseller
Authorized Value Added Reseller
Authorized Service Provider
Authorized Wholesaler

2. Compatibility

Developers may use Apple, Macintosh, iMac, or any other Apple word mark (but not the Apple Logo or other Apple-owned graphic symbol/logo) in a referential phrase on packaging or promotional/advertising materials to describe that the third party product is compatible with the referenced Apple product or technology, provided they comply with the following requirements.

a. The Apple word mark is not part of the product name.
b. The Apple word mark is used in a referential phrase such as “runs on,” “for use with,” “for,” or “compatible with.”
c. The Apple word mark appears less prominent than the product name.
d. The product is in fact compatible with, or otherwise works with, the referenced Apple product.
e. The reference to Apple does not create a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Apple or Apple products or services.
f. The use does not show Apple or its products in a false or derogatory light.

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